Thursday, April 26, 2018

Goodbye Washington D.C.

Well, today we leave DC  - we have had FULL days of touring the city, walking nearly 30 miles since last Friday! We all looked forward to a day of resting our legs and feet and were excited about traveling to the Biltmore! 
We packed up and cleaned up the house and took a quick photo before loading up the truck and heading out of DC. 
Interesting tidbit here - this is the type of housing you see EVERYWHERE! It's very-very rare to see a single house anywhere. There are neighborhood after neighborhood of row houses - it's all you see. I can't imagine living like this with no yard for a dog or kids to play in. It made me even more thankful for all the space we have where we live!
Goodbye Washing D.C. - we had a ton of fun here, making many memories!
We made a stop in Durham, N.C. at Hog Heaven BBQ, a very local  mom & pop joint, ran by Big Mama Delta who instantly fell in love with Steve! She even had to give him a big 'ol hug before we left. Steve got so flustered that after several miles down the road he was afraid he had left his glasses at Hog Heaven! (he later found them in his pocket - now that's how flustered he was - LOL!)
Patti and I got tickled at one of the signs in there that said all cell phones must be turned in at the start of work to Delta, who would keep them in the safe for the day. No doubt Delta ruled the roost at Hog Heaven! I wished I would have gotten a photo of her with Steve!
It sure made for some fun conversation while traveling to Asheville and Steve, being who he is, kept getting her name wrong and calling her "Dixie" and Patti and I kept saying, "ain't no black women in the South, named Dixie, Steve!" 
I LOVE traveling with Steve and Patti, b/c we make the best memories, not to mention having the very best of laughs all the time!
We finally arrived in Asheville and Patti found and made reservations at Spring Hill Suites, which was really nice. We unloaded and relaxed for awhile before walking next door to Carabba's for dinner. None of us was super hungry, and it was getting kinda late for a big meal, so we ordered fairly light meals, and it was delicious!  We walked back to the hotel and everyone crawled in bed and watched tv a bit before falling off to sleep.

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